Thursday, March 27, 2008

Becoming a Truth Sleuth

Anyone interested in becoming a Truth Sleuth should begin by doubting anything written in this blog. Anything written here is merely an opinion, even when supported by "facts".

Lesson 1: There are no "facts". "Facts" are merely opinions written by people who interpret evidence. Two people can look at the same evidence and draw completely different conclusions. Throughout history, irrefutable "facts" have been routinely disproven; the flatness of the Earth, its central position in the universe, the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq--all such claims have been unable to hold up under scrutiny. Such is the case with ALL CLAIMS. No one can prove anything to everybody indefinitely. Someone can ALWAYS find a reason to disagree. I suspect many of you even disagree with the the claim I've just made.

PROVE me wrong.


Andy Todd said...

so if there is no truth, why, or how rather would one become a sleuth of something non-existent? Sounds like a wild goose chase to me. Even if truth doesn't exist, the illusion of its existence is necessary. If one didn't bother to look for it, how would previous thought to be truths be falsified. How is progress to be made?

Now that the conversation is rolling...very nice blog.

Indiana Royster said...

Excellent question. I did not say that "truth" didn't exist, however--only "facts". "Facts" are implicitly universal, where as truth can be subjective. Constructivists would say that truth is the reality we create for ourselves. The goal of this blog will be to help people create a truth for themselves that is based upon multiple sources (even from widely varying perspectives). My hope is that people will find they share common BELIEFS after evaluating all of the evidence, and will stop calling those BELIEFS "facts".

--And thank you for the compliment! I look forward to continuing the dialogue:)